Thursday, January 1, 2015

40 Year Itch : Happy 1975!

    Happy New Year! I will continue to scratch the 40 year itch in 2015 with music from 1975, but this year I'm doing something different.  I'm taking the name of this blog, 1001 Songs, more to heart and focusing on songs rather than albums. In part, it's because I have less time than ever to write this thing. Just the idea of having to come up with paragraphs on Bob Dylan's Blood on the Tracks and Pink Floyd's Wish You Were Here  exhaust me. Plus, I'd never be able to offer up an mp3 from albums so well known. By focusing on songs rather than albums, I can actually make this music blog more hip, relevant and fun for all of us. I started the format in December and got some decent reaction. You'll get nothing but nuggets here. And, perhaps best of all,  I can even dip into the same abum more than once. 

    One of those album is Dr. Feelgood's mono debut, Down By the Jetty. I suppose the group would have come across as just another Pretty Things/ Animals inspired pub rock band. But, in their midst , was a frenetic guitar player named Wilko Johnson who breathlessly played rhythm and lead guitar lines all at the same time and inspired punk rock and new wave guitar players like Paul Weller of The Jam at the very moment they were first learning the instrument. Who wouldn't want to play like Wilko?


  1. Thanks for your ruminations on 1974, always worth reading. Looking forward to 1975.

    1. Thanks for reading and commenting Phil. It means a lot to me

  2. looking forward to a great year of 1001 songs!

  3. Thanks! That's the plan, er, Mr. Apetalk71.
